
A collection of projects I've done over the years. I'll be adding more pretty soon :-).

Brewin Language Interpreter

An interpreted and statically typed programming language built in pure Python. Includes I/O, primitives, objects, looping, functions and lexical scoping. Also supports error handling.

TensorFaux Library

A neural network library which utilizes a similar API to TensorFlow Keras. Written in just Python/Numpy, and includes a documentation website and is accessible via PIP.


A minimal dynamic dashboard interface. Dashboard and chart view definitions are stored in Supabase in addition to the raw data.

A chatbot interface that uses NLP to convert natural language into SQL queries. Built for JPL FireSat.

UCLA Theta Tau Website

Built the new site for UCLA Theta Tau from the ground up.

ViT: Vision Transformer

An implementation of the Vision Transformer in Pytorch. ViT processes an input image as a sequence of patches and then feeds these patches to a transformer-based network.

Parts-of-Speech Tagger

Parts-Of-Speech (POS) tagger using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and the Viterbi algorithm. Trained on a pre-tagged corpus and integrates NLTK's version for comparison.

N-Gram Language Model

An n-gram language model that implements add-k smoothing and greedy sentence generation. This model probabilistically predicts the rest of a sentence via an (n - 1)-order Markov model.

Tinder for Restuarants

Matches users to restaurants based off of their preferences using a swiping feature similar to Tinder. User filters and preferences persist via MongoDB.

Cannabis Sales Forecasting

Developed a predictive model for sales forecasting and determined key success factors using ensemble methods such as Random Forest and Gradient Boosting.

Multivariable Linear Regression

Statistical model that uses N parameters to predict the outcome of the response variable. Implemented with the gradient descent aglorithm purely in C++.

C++ Shared Pointer

Simulates the C++ implementation of the shared pointer. This implementation has all of the important features, including templating so any object can be pointed to.

C++ Map (BST Container)

Implemented a C++ Map container built upon a binary search tree. Templated so any objects can be mapped, and prevents memory leaks in case of a allocation error.

Portfolio Site for Myself

A simple website for showcasing some of my computer science projects. Static site built with React and hosted on Github Pages. More projects will be added in the near future.